Popular articles

Dani višnje - Manifestacija posvećena crvenom oblačinskom zlatu

Dani višnje - Manifestacija posvećena crvenom oblačinskom zlatu

Dani višnje su tradicionalna manifestacija koja se u toku berbe ovog slasnog voća održava na Oblačinskom jezeru, u opštini Merošina. Osim prilike za kupovinu i degustaciju specijaliteta od višanja, posetioci mogu i da uživaju u čarima jezera, koje na
Zašto se bar jednom u životu mora u Šabac na vašar

Zašto se bar jednom u životu mora u Šabac na vašar

Kada se pomisli na vašar, velike su šanse da će prve asocijacije biti slike Šabačkog vašara. Čak i oni koji ga nikada nisu posetili, verovatno su ga videli u novinama ili na TV-u. Ono što je “mercedes” u auto-industriji, to je Šabački vašar u industr
Ladovica: Kako je selo na jugu Srbije postalo centar piva i panka

Ladovica: Kako je selo na jugu Srbije postalo centar piva i panka

Ladovica je malo mesto nadomak Vlasotinca, u kome živi tek oko 700 ljudi. Ovo naselje na jugu Srbije, uprkos svojim „gabaritima”, ima specifičnu kulturološku sliku koju odlikuju - pank, pivo i fudbal. Zahvaljujući svemu ovome, u Ladovici je nastao i
Fijakerijada “Sremska potkovica” - raj za ljubitelje zaprega u Novim Karlovcima

Fijakerijada “Sremska potkovica” - raj za ljubitelje zaprega u Novim Karlovcima

“Sremska potkovica” je tradicionalna fijakerijada koja se održava u Novim Karlovcima u opštini Inđija. Posle decenije pauze, manifestacija se vratila na velika vrata, pa od 2022. godine, neki od najlepših konja iz Vojvodine i regiona ponovo defiliju
Vlasinsko leto: Trubačke legende na jugu Srbije pre Guče

Vlasinsko leto: Trubačke legende na jugu Srbije pre Guče

Zvuk trube izaziva posebne emocije kod slušalaca, a u Srbiji je naročito zastupljen tradicinalni zvuk koji istovremeno pokreće veselje i dert (jad, bol, tuga, sevdah).
Museum of Science and Technology | Museums of Serbia

Museum of Science and Technology | Museums of Serbia

The Museum of Science and Technology is located in Belgrade and protects and preserves from oblivion the scientific and technical heritage of our country.
Exotic food in Belgrade - authentic restaurants of the Serbian capital!

Exotic food in Belgrade - authentic restaurants of the Serbian capital!

How many times have you wished to see something different and exotic on your plate? To try Asian, Mediterranean, American and European specialties...
Retro Video Games Museum | Museums of Serbia

Retro Video Games Museum | Museums of Serbia

The museum of retro video games is located in the center of Belgrade, and preserves the memory of the legendary video games that laid the foundations of the modern gaming industry.
Craft Breweries in Belgrade: 10 "Temples" for Beer Lovers

Craft Breweries in Belgrade: 10 "Temples" for Beer Lovers

In recent years, there has been a noticeable expansion in the establishment of small, craft mini-breweries in Serbia. We present the most popular craft breweries in Belgrade...
Camping: All the Advantages of Spending the Night Under the Open Sky

Camping: All the Advantages of Spending the Night Under the Open Sky

This article is a kind of promotion of camping as an activity that returns a person, at least for a short time, to their "factory settings".
The Most Famous Serbian Wine Regions and Their Representatives

The Most Famous Serbian Wine Regions and Their Representatives

In the following lines, we highlight the most famous Serbian wine regions and the wineries that are their finest representatives.
  • 11 February 2023.
  • Guide
The Most Famous Distilleries in Serbia - Places Where the Finest Serbian Brandy is Produced

The Most Famous Distilleries in Serbia - Places Where the Finest Serbian Brandy is Produced

Throughout Serbia, one can find distilleries that offer visitors tours, tastings, education, socializing, and of course, the opportunity to purchase premium brandies that are a true trademark of our country.
All the Peaks of Belgrade

All the Peaks of Belgrade

By definition, a hill refers to any elevation between 200 and 500 meters above sea level. Therefore, according to this definition, our Beograd doesn't actually have as many hills as it is commonly believed...
The Best Pies in Belgrade: Favorite Treat, Snack or Breakfast?

The Best Pies in Belgrade: Favorite Treat, Snack or Breakfast?

Pies are an indispensable part of the traditional Serbian table. Savory or sweet, from mixed or ready-made crusts, pies are a favorite breakfast, appetizer, and very often a dessert for most of our people.
Royal Complex in Dedinje | Museums of Serbia

Royal Complex in Dedinje | Museums of Serbia

The Royal Palace Complex of the Karađorđević Dynasty is located on the highest hill of the Belgrade neighborhood of Dedinje. The complex includes the Royal Palace and the White Palace, the royal church dedicated to Saint Apostle Andrew the First-Call