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“Ovčarski dani” u Sakulama: Mesto okupljanja stočara iz regiona odakle može da se ponese čak i magar

“Ovčarski dani” u Sakulama: Mesto okupljanja stočara iz regiona odakle može da se ponese čak i magar

Na svega tridesetak kilometara od Beograda ka Zrenjaninu, odmah iza Barande, nalazi se selo koje svake godine ogranizuje manifestaciju posvećenu stočarstvu. “Ovčarski dani” u Sakulama, u opštini Opovo, okupljaju poljoprivrednike uzgajivače.
Pančevo | Top 10 in Cities of Serbia

Pančevo | Top 10 in Cities of Serbia

The largest and most significant tourist attractions in the municipality of Pančevo, recommendations for visiting, what to see and what to visit in Pančevo.
Days of Hungarian Cuisine in Skorenovac | Tourist Calendar of Serbia

Days of Hungarian Cuisine in Skorenovac | Tourist Calendar of Serbia

Days of Hungarian Cuisine in Skorenovac are a gastronomic event that has been held every October in this small village in southern Banat since 2009.
Adventure in South Banat | Where to Go on an Excursion?!

Adventure in South Banat | Where to Go on an Excursion?!

Two-day excursion in Southern Banat - archaeological sites, fortresses, natural beauty and rarities, wineries and breweries, all nestled in two magical days.
Traffic Camera Locations in Pančevo (MAP)

Traffic Camera Locations in Pančevo (MAP)

In the previous months, 31 locations with installed surveillance cameras have been recorded in Pančevo, and experiences from other cities indicate that there could be even more in the future.
  • 22 January 2021.
  • News
National Museum in Pančevo | Museums in Serbia

National Museum in Pančevo | Museums in Serbia

The Pančevo National Museum is divided into departments of ethnology, history, art history, and archaeology, which contain thousands of exhibits from the area of Pančevo and southern Banat.
Slaninijada in Kačarevo | Tourist Calendar of Serbia

Slaninijada in Kačarevo | Tourist Calendar of Serbia

Slaninijada (Bacon Festival) is a gastronomic event held every year in the village of Kačarevo, near Pančevo. Apart from bacon, which is prepared from domestic pig or mangalitsa, the hot cracklings attract the most attention.
  • 14 February 2023.
  • Guide