Druženje uz kriglu hladnog piva, bavarske kobasice, hrskave perece i muziku, postalo je tradicija i u Novom Sadu. Svakog oktobra održava se “Novosadski Oktobarfest” koji traje znatno kraće nego onaj originalni u prestonici Bavarske.
The biggest and most significant tourist attractions in the municipality of Novi Sad, recommendations for sightseeing, what to see, and what to visit in Novi Sad.
Mesto i vreme kada sportisti pokušavaju da obore sopstvene rekorde i pritom budu bolji od konkurencije u trčanju, svakako je Novosadski polumaraton. Održava se uglavnom u drugoj polovini marta, kada su ulice Novog Sada ispunjene trkačima i trkačicama
Više od dve decenije Rumenka, naselje nadomak Novog Sada, okuplja gastronome iz Srbije i sveta, koji žele da probaju, kupe, ali se i takmiče u pripremi pihtija.
U novembru, u iriškoj vinskoj ulici, sve je crveno i ljubičasto, jer se povodom tradicionalnog “Dana mladog portugizera” okuplja veliki broj znalaca, profesionalaca, ljubitelja i ljubiteljica vina.
Svakog novembra od 2006. godine u Srbobranu se dodeljuje književna nagrada “Lenkin prsten” za najlepšu ljubavnu pesmu na srpskom jeziku, u okviru istoimene manifestacije. Od drugih nagrada se izdvaja po tome što ne nosi ime pesnika, već muze koja je
Tehnološke pronalaske, inovacije i projekte svake godine u Novom Sadu izloži oko 500 pronalazača, mladih talenata, studenata, škola, instituta i firmi iz zemlje i inostranstva. “Tesla fest” se tradicionalno održava od 12. do 15. oktobra u SPENS-u.
The match collection, which is constantly expanding, currently counts around 40,000 exhibits from all parts of the world and ranks as the second-largest collection in Europe...
Fruška Gora Marathon is one of the most popular sports and recreational events in the country and undoubtedly the largest and oldest mountain marathon in Serbia.
It's less known that Halloween originates from the Celtic pagan tradition and that its manifestation has many elements that are considered occult today.
Futog Cabbage Festival is an agricultural, gastronomic, and cultural event that takes place in Futog at the beginning of November every year for over two decades. It is dedicated to the local brand - Futoški kupus (Futog cabbage).
Danube tours and cruises are focused on visiting European capitals along the Danube rather than exploring the river itself and its hidden corners. It is precisely these types of locations that we present in the following lines - Danube beaches, forme
If you are facing a dilemma and struggling to decide which kindergarten to enroll your child in, below are some of the most important factors to consider and align.
Exit is one of the largest European music festivals, and it takes place in Novi Sad. Every July, over 40 stages spread throughout the Petrovaradin Fortress host performances by more than 1000 performers.