Pravi izazov i užitak za bicikliste širom Srbije od 2021. godine se održava i u Nišu. Serija breveta od tri puta po 200, zatim 300 i 400 kilometara, organizuje se u najvećem gradu na jugu Srbije.
Duh neke zemlje ništa bolje ne opisuje od folklora. U narodne nošnje, muziku, ritam i pesmu upletene su i istorija, kultura i sve što jedan narod smatra svojim identitetom.
Početkom avgusta mala varošica na jugoistoku Srbije postane posećenija nego inače, zahvaljujući manifestaciji koja promoviše tradicionalno jelo ovog kraja - belmuž.
Dani višnje su tradicionalna manifestacija koja se u toku berbe ovog slasnog voća održava na Oblačinskom jezeru, u opštini Merošina. Osim prilike za kupovinu i degustaciju specijaliteta od višanja, posetioci mogu i da uživaju u čarima jezera, koje na
In the following lines, we uncover how the people of Niš indulge in this bakery delight that, if made in this city, can confidently be spelled with a capital "B".
During his fifty-year career, Šaban Bajramović was followed by numerous anecdotes, some of which are completely unverified, so they can be classified as urban legends. One of them says that Saban was actually "weaker" with letters.
Alphonse de Lamartine (1790 – 1869) was a French poet, writer and traveler, politician and diplomat, noted in European literature as one of the founders of romanticism.
The largest city in southern Serbia is famous for its delicious food, especially meat specialties, with barbecue undoubtedly taking the flag. However, grilled meat is not the only thing this city has to offer...
Buregdžijada is a tourist-gastronomic event held in mid-August in Niš. This event is dedicated to the preparation of this traditional dish, but it also involves guests from other Balkan countries where burek is a beloved breakfast.
The town in eastern Serbia, which earned the nickname "Serbian Venice" as early as the mid-19th century, is an ideal destination to visit throughout the year.
The Museum of the Concentration Camp in Niš is located in the industrial zone of the city and represents the only concentration camp in Serbia that is open to the public.