The business is temporarily closed!
Thank you for your understanding. Please seek service at another location. See you again soon!
Working Hours
The business is temporarily closed!
- Monday 08:30-16:00
- Tuesday 08:30-16:00
- Wednesday 08:30-16:00
- Thursday 08:30-16:00
- Friday 08:30-16:00
- Saturday closed
- Sunday closed
John Paul
Vazzi za sve [banke] koje kriju telef brojeve filijala: -Pa bre vi ste se to sumerili ka 18 veku, kad nije bilo telefona. Nuidte geofrafsku adresu, al ne da te telefon....... Kolko li cye godina procyi da glavni gazda ukapira ovu glupost. Jova Pavlov, sada Toronto, Kanada
- 04-11-2021
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