Real Estate Rentals Pančevo


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Real Estate Rentals Pančevo

Are you looking for an apartment to rent but don't have time for browsing through numerous ads? Or maybe you want to rent out your property? Regardless of whether you are a landlord or a tenant, real estate agencies can help you in your search. Real estate agencies keep up with the market, know the opportunities and can help you find the perfect apartment or tenant. All you need to do is explain your preferences to the agent. The agent's task is to find exactly what suits you best at the most favourable price. Here is a list of real estate agencies always ready to provide advice, professional help, and the exhausting job of searching for an apartment or tenant - all for a certain commission.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does a lease agreement for an apartment entail?
  • According to the lease agreement, the landlord is obligated to hand over the flat to the tenant for use, while the tenant is obligated to pay rent for the flat.
  • How is a lease agreement for an apartment concluded?
  • The Housing and Building Maintenance Act requires that the lease agreement for a flat be signed in writing. The agreement is signed between the landlord, the owner of the flat, and the tenant, or the person who will be living in the flat.
  • What are the obligations of the landlord?
  • The landlord is responsible for delivering the flat to the tenant in good condition, maintaining it in good condition during the lease, and carrying out necessary repairs in the flat. The landlord is also responsible for material and legal defects in the flat.
  • What are the obligations of the tenant?
  • The tenant is obliged to pay rent within the time frame stipulated in the agreement, and is also required to pay for the costs of using the flat. The tenant is responsible for informing the landlord of any unforeseen danger that may threaten the flat, for taking care of and using the flat as agreed, and for returning the flat undamaged after the termination of the lease.
  • How does a lease agreement for an apartment terminate?
  • The length of the notice period is determined by the contractual parties, with the legal minimum being 90 days. If the lease agreement is concluded for a fixed term, it ends after the predetermined date. If a lease agreement is signed for an indefinite period, then any contractual party can terminate it, provided that the notice period is respected.
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