Retro Video Games Museum | Museums of Serbia
The museum of retro video games is located in the center of Belgrade, and preserves the memory of the legendary video games that laid the foundations of the modern gaming industry.
- Nikola Igračev
- 2 min
- 15 June 2023.
- Guide
Belgrade Beer Festival (Beerfest) | Tourist Calendar of Serbia
It is estimated that every year, during its five-day duration, this festival attracts an average of over half a million people, with the record-breaking year being 2010 when an incredible 900,000 guests were recorded.
- Nikola Igračev
- 2 min
- 14 June 2023.
- Guide
Knight's Tournament in Lazarev Grad | Tourist Calendar of Serbia
The Knight's Tournament is a three-day event held every year before Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day) within the walls of the Lazar's City Archaeological Park in Kruševac.
- Dunja Božić
- 1 min
- 8 June 2023.
- Guide
Tourist caves | Natural Heritage of Serbia
Caves in Serbia arranged for tourist visits - Resava Cave, Risovaca, Rajko's Cave, Lazar's Cave, Ceremosnja, Ravnistarka, Potpece, and Stopica Cave.
- Nikola Igračev
- 8 min
- 6 June 2023.
- Guide
Children's Museum and Toy Gallery | Museums of Serbia
The Children's Museum can provide great entertainment and inspiration for both children and parents, so we warmly recommend visiting the museum with your little ones and spending quality time together enjoying play, learning, and a bit of nostalgia..
- Nikola Igračev
- 1 min
- 28 May 2023.
- Guide
Gugelhupf Festival in Sremski Karlovci | Tourist Calendar of Serbia
The Kuglofa Festival is a cultural and gastronomic manifestation that has been held in Sremski Karlovci since 2002, usually at the end of May or June.
- Nikola Igračev
- 2 min
- 26 May 2023.
- Guide
Camping: All the Advantages of Spending the Night Under the Open Sky
This article is a kind of promotion of camping as an activity that returns a person, at least for a short time, to their "factory settings".
- Nikola Igračev
- 5 min
- 24 May 2023.
- Guide
Museums in Belgrade: 52 Museums For Every Weekend of the Year!
The most significant museums in Belgrade - a suggestion to enrich and culturally color every weekend in Belgrade throughout the year.
- Nikola Igračev
- 20 min
- 18 May 2023.
- Guide
Kragujevac | Top 10 in Cities of Serbia
The biggest and most significant tourist attractions in the municipality of Kragujevac, recommendations for sightseeing, what to see and visit in Kragujevac.
- Ratomir Veselinović
- 8 min
- 6 May 2023.
- Guide
Prayer under Midžor | Tourist Calendar of Serbia
"The Đurđevdanski susreti - Prayer under Midžor" is a gathering of folk creativity and a tourist event that promotes the cultural heritage of Stara Planina.
- Dunja Božić
- 2 min
- 4 May 2023.
- Guide
The most beautiful Danube beaches (Part 1) | Natural Heritage of Serbia
Danube tours and cruises are focused on visiting European capitals along the Danube rather than exploring the river itself and its hidden corners. It is precisely these types of locations that we present in the following lines - Danube beaches, forme
- Nikola Igračev
- 6 min
- 30 April 2023.
- Guide
Excursion Sites in the Vicinity of Belgrade Worth Visiting
If you are truly in need of a vacation, a day trip near Belgrade is often a better option than a short trip to European capitals...
- 6 min
- 28 April 2023.
- Guide
Fruška Gora Marathon | Tourist Calendar of Serbia
Fruška Gora Marathon is one of the most popular sports and recreational events in the country and undoubtedly the largest and oldest mountain marathon in Serbia.
- Nikola Igračev
- 2 min
- 21 April 2023.
- Guide
Tucanijada in Mokrin | Tourist Calendar of Serbia
Tucanijada is an event that represents the unofficial "world championship" in egg tapping and takes place every year on Orthodox Easter in the village of Mokrin, near Kikinda.
- Maja Popović
- 2 min
- 16 April 2023.
- Guide
Jagnjijada in Pirot | Tourist Calendar of Serbia
Jagnjijada (lamb feast) is a gastronomy event that takes place every spring in the village of Krupac near Pirot.
- Maja Popović
- 2 min
- 13 April 2023.
- Guide
Museum of Naive and Marginal Art in Jagodina | Museums of Serbia
The Museum of Naive and Marginal Art in Jagodina is an institution that has been dedicated for over half a century to the preservation and promotion of naive painting in Serbia.
- Milica Brković
- 2 min
- 1 April 2023.
- Guide
Martovski Festival | Tourist Calendar of Serbia
Martovski Festival is a cultural event dedicated to documentary and short films, held in Belgrade, and it is one of the oldest festivals of its kind in Europe.
- Maja Popović
- 2 min
- 23 March 2023.
- Guide