Teeth Healing Voždovac
31. Dr Jadranka Ašanin - Dental Clinic
- Zaplanjska 86, 11010 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Brace Jerković
- 011/2461-197
32. Dr Jadranka Grčić - Dental Clinic
- Crnotravska 11A, 11040 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Banjica
- 011/247-2076
33. Dr Julija - Dental Clinic
- Rastka Petrovića 53, 11050 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Medaković I
- 011/247-6185
34. Dr Kuljača - Dental Clinic
- Kraljevačka 76, 11010 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Gornji Voždovac
- 011/247-1344
35. Dr Marko Petković - Dental Clinic
- Vojvode Stepe 403H, 11010 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Naselje Stepa Stepanović
- 011/2476-244
38. Dr Miroljub Bošković - Dental Clinic
- Milovana Marinkovića 9, 11042 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Činovnička kolonija
- 011/2469-329
40. Dr Nikola Furundžić - Dental Clinic
- Veselina Masleše 22, 11107 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Pašino (Lekino) brdo
- 011/241-9829
45. Dr Stefan - Dental Clinic
- Borivoja Stevanovića 5, 11050 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Medaković III
- 011/689-7302
46. Dr Tatjana Nikolić - Dental Clinic
- Generala Štefanika 19, 11041 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Naselje Stepa Stepanović
- 011/394-5880
47. Dr Vera Đorđević - Dental Clinic
- Kumodraška 174, 11010 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Gornji Voždovac
- 011/246-9943
48. Dr Veselinović - Dental Clinic
- Vojvode Stepe 160, 11042 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Gornji Voždovac
- 011/630-9777
49. Dr Zelenović - Dental Clinic
- Veselina Masleše 2, 11107 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Pašino (Lekino) brdo
- 011/2850-411
50. Dr Zubić - Dental Clinic
- 2. srpske armije 9, 11041 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Naselje Stepa Stepanović
- 063/804-1114
53. Esthetic Dental - Dental Clinic
- Vojvode Stepe 353, 11010 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Trošarina
- 011/397-5599
55. Ivan Grujić - Dental Clinic
- Ignjata Joba 6K, 11050 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Brace Jerković
- 064/682-5940
56. Kodal Dent - Dental Clinic
- Braće Jerković 140, 11041 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Medaković padina
- 011/2491-912
57. Kotlar Dental - Dental Clinic
- Bulevar oslobođenja 175, 11042 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Gornji Voždovac
- 011/2469-316
58. Malena Dent - Dental Clinic
- Gostivarska 70B, 11010 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Gornji Voždovac
- 060/316-0382
59. MB Dent - Dental Clinic
- Milovana Šaranovića 24, 11010 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Gornji Voždovac
- 011/2431-071
Teeth Healing Voždovac
The repair of teeth involves a series of different procedures that aim to restore the tooth damaged by caries to its original state, function, and shape. The decay can be small, only affecting the enamel, or it can be shallow or deep caries. Depending on the degree of tooth decay, different methods of treatment are applied, and the deeper the decay, the longer the treatment takes. Therefore, it is necessary to have preventive check-ups with a dentist every six months. Classic tooth repair involves the placement of fillings (artificial materials) that replace the part of the tooth that was damaged by caries. There are different types of fillings: composite-white fillings that replace part of the tooth and are almost invisible, amalgam - black fillings that consist of an alloy of silver, aluminium, copper, zinc, and mercury and are used less and less for repair because they are visible and usually need to be larger. In addition to these, there are also glass ionomer fillings used for the repair of baby teeth and are less durable, so they are generally not used for permanent teeth.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is dental repair painless?
- Depending on the tooth defect and the treatment method, the cost of tooth repair also depends. It ranges from 1,500 to 2,000 dinars for minor defects, but also up to 3,000 and 4,000 dinars for larger defects or when the entire tooth needs to be reconstructed. When repairing, you should listen to the dentist's advice, because fillings can last a very long time, and certainly an increasing number of dentists today recommend white fillings, which have become more suitable, more resistant, stronger and better quality due to the development of technology.
- How is laser dental repair done?
- Today, every dental office uses local anesthesia when repairing teeth, especially if there are major defects. You can certainly always ask for a local anesthetic injection, so that the tooth repair is completely painless.
- Is it worth using LED lighting?
- A new method of tooth repair is laser repair where hard lasers are used to repair the tooth and completely remove the caries without any contact with the tooth. The laser is much more pleasant than a classic drill, the procedure is completely painless and takes less time, so local anesthesia is not required. After laser caries removal, composite fillings are placed, which are generally smaller compared to fillings in classic tooth repair. In addition, periodontal disease is also successfully treated with laser.
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