Tattoo Removal Voždovac
1. Nano Klinika Brant - Aesthetic and Reconstructive Medical Procedures
- Bulevar oslobođenja 267, 11042 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Gornji Voždovac
- 060/7333-777
2. St Medic's General Hospital
- Bulevar Peka Dapčevića 21A, 11010 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Gornji Voždovac
- 011/246-0697
Tattoo Removal Voždovac
Throughout history, tattooing has always been a way for people to highlight, mark, preserve or beautify something on their body. Modern society has brought changes in social norms, the liberation from some taboos as well as the equalization of rights, making tattooing accessible to a wider range of people, men and women of different ages. With the development of technology, tattoos have gained a new dimension in aesthetics, and the art itself has reached the level of body art. However, statistics show that almost half of all people who have tattoos on their bodies want to remove them at some point. Reasons vary - from changing preferences, attitudes, environment, dissatisfaction with the existing image and the desire to replace it with another, to dissatisfaction with the changed appearance of the tattoo due to ageing and physical changes in the skin. Methods of tattoo removal can be laser, ultrasound, surgical, and treatment prices are slightly higher than prices for other aesthetic services offered by beauty salons. This process is carried out with great efficiency and speed, without pain, so to your satisfaction, you can easily completely remove an unwanted image from any part of your body. Check out our list of registered tattoo removal salons and clinics and learn everything you're interested in.
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