Sport Medicine Clinics Voždovac


1. Carbo Fit - Center for Sport Medicine

  • Pukovnika Pejovića 8, 11042 Beograd (Voždovac)
  • Gornji Voždovac
  • 011/408-9868

2. Sport Medico - Center for Sport Medicine

  • Mažuranićeva 32, 11107 Beograd (Voždovac)
  • Pašino (Lekino) brdo
  • 060/646-6174

3. Malićević - Center for Sport Medicine

  • Paunova 24, 11042 Beograd (Voždovac)
  • Banjica
  • 011/367-0278

Sport Medicine Clinics Voždovac

Sports medicine clinics offer a wide range of services in the field of sports medicine - general and extended sports medical examinations for both professional athletes and recreational athletes, which include a range of procedures: measurement of height and body weight, assessment of nutrition, examination of the locomotor system (spine, hips and feet, tendons, cartilage and ligaments), heart, lungs, abdomen, blood vessels and lymph nodes, examination of the endocrine and nervous systems, and an ergo spirometric stress test. In addition to examinations, the sports clinics before you also perform diagnostics and treatment of sports injuries, such as dislocated shoulder, knee ligament sprain, ankle sprain or lumbar disc herniation. In addition, they provide medical certificates and verification of competition licenses, as well as assessment of growth and development in children and counselling for proper guidance of children in sports.

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