Ice Cream Shops Voždovac


1. Creamy Jimmy - Cookies & Candies

  • Nikšićka 9, 11010 Beograd (Voždovac)
  • Gornji Voždovac
  • 069/166-0401

Ice Cream Shops Voždovac

Ice cream is one of the most beloved desserts around the world. Whether served in a cone, on a stick, or in a cup, it doesn't really matter. Children love it, and their parents find it hard to resist. Generations remember the recognizable brands and flavours they grew up with. Over time, small ice cream shops have become more and more popular. Today, we have an abundance of ice cream parlours where you can try the most exotic flavours and their combinations. And just when you think you've tried everything, a new variation will catch your attention. These small shops, besides having an exceptional selection, can also boast ice cream that is of immeasurably higher quality than industrial ice cream. That's why people are increasingly choosing to go out for ice cream with friends, instead of coffee or drinks. The establishments before you offer you the chance to unleash your inner child and try the most varied and tempting ice creams.

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