Hobby Craft Stores Voždovac
1. ARS - Painting Material and Accessories for Restoration, Hobby and School Program
- Zaplanjska 32, 11010 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Brace Jerković
- 011/630-5727
Hobby Craft Stores Voždovac
Do you have a creative hobby and need diverse materials to realize your ideas? Here is a list of hobby and art supply stores where you can find everything you need to bring your creative ideas to life. Whether you are involved in decoupage techniques or knitting, painting, restoration, and conservation - all the necessary equipment and materials can be found in the stores listed. Napkins, brushes and painting canvases, blocks and easels, paints for all types of materials, varnishes and adhesives, templates and patterns of various shapes - the entire decorative material is available for quality leisure time spent in your home or studio.
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