Cardiology Clinics Voždovac
1. Dr Nestorov - Internal Medicine Clinic
- Braće Jerković 123A, 11010 Beograd (Voždovac)
- Brace Jerković
- 011/396-0659
Cardiology Clinics Voždovac
Stress, smoking, excessive consumption of unhealthy food and drinks, and insufficient physical activity are the most common causes of heart and blood vessel diseases such as arrhythmia, hypertension, angina pectoris, or serious heart conditions such as myocardial infarction, or heart attack. High blood pressure and tachycardia are usually the first symptoms of heart disease, and congenital heart defects and heart valves can also cause them. Therefore, do not ignore the signals that your own body is sending you, have a preventive cardiological examination in the nearest clinic and prevent further consequences for your health. Here is a list of private cardiology clinics where a large number of heart and blood vessel examinations are performed - heart Holter or ECG, heart ultrasound, coronary angiography, colour Doppler and carotid artery examination, stress test, and more.
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