- Dimitrija Tucovića 17, 11550 Lazarevac
Public transport
Lazarevac - Ineks (87 m)
- 139L
- 150L
- 150
Working Hours
- Monday 08:00-20:00
- Tuesday 08:00-20:00
- Wednesday 08:00-20:00
- Thursday 08:00-20:00
- Friday 08:00-20:00
- Saturday 08:00-13:00
- Sunday closed
Anastasija Antonijević
Dobar dan,zanima me kakav je kvar. Pošto u Rudovcima,u ulici Loparska,niko nema internet ni kablovsku od 12:45h danas. S' poštovanjem
- 29-04-2022
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