State Administration Subotica
1. Republic Fund for Pension and Disability Insurance PIO
- Trg slobode 3, 24000 Subotica
- Centar 1
- 024/580-200
2. APR Serbian Business Registers Agency - Organizational Unit Subotica
- Trg Lazara Nešića 1, 24000 Subotica
- Centar 3
- 011/418-1000
3. Subotica Customs
- Bose Milićević bb, 24000 Subotica
- Centar 1
- 024/555-600
- All location in Subotica (2)
5. State Attorney's Office Department in Subotica
- Trg Lazara Nešića 1, 24000 Subotica
- Centar 3
- 024/552-570
6. Ministry of Finance Treasury Administration Subotica
- Korzo 5, 24000 Subotica
- Centar 1
- 024/602-160
7. Republic Fund for Health Insurance - Subotica Branch
- Trg slobode 3, 24000 Subotica
- Centar 1
- 024/554-444
8. Market Inspection Sector - Subotica Department
- Trg Lazara Nešića 1, 24000 Subotica
- Centar 3
- 024/557-376
9. Administration for Free Zones Free Zone Subotica
- Batinska 94, 24107 Subotica
- Mali Bajmok (Crveno selo)
- 024/548-277
10. Institute for Measurements and Precious Metals - Department for Control and Supervision, Subotica
- Segedinski put 58, 24105 Subotica
- Novi grad
- 024/548-459
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