Pet Training Subotica


1. K-9 - Dog Trainers

  • Antuna Suturovića 5, 24000 Subotica
  • Novo Selo
  • 062/187-3310

Pet Training Subotica

If you have recently gotten a dog and want to train it, it is certain that you will need help. Teaching your pet even basic commands is not an easy task, especially if you have never had a dog before. Although it may seem easy at first glance, dog training requires knowledge of animal psychology. You must understand that dogs communicate differently than humans and that you need to use body language as much as your voice. For this reason, it is good to at least seek advice from an experienced person. If your pet has a bad habit such as barking in the apartment or chewing furniture - there is a solution for that too. Here is a list of organizations that specialise in dog training and can help you with training both puppies and older dogs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the benefits of dog training?
  • There are numerous advantages of dog training, and the most important ones are socialization, education and keeping fit and fun. If the dog is trained, it will be easier to get to know and socialize with other dogs. It is especially important to teach the dog when and where it can defecate, as well as how to treat people and other dogs. Also, training is not only training for dogs, but also a game, because you teach your pet new activities, challenges and exercises.
  • When to start dog training?
  • There is no real answer to this question. He advises that more formal dog training begins when the dog is between four and six months old.
  • How long should dog training sessions last?
  • In the beginning, there should be short training lessons. First, start with ten-minute classes, and then gradually increase the time until you reach classes that last 20 minutes. If after 5 minutes you become nervous, then immediately end the class, because your pet will also feel your moodiness.
  • Should dogs be punished?
  • Never punish the dog. In a situation when the dog does not obey, then create an unpleasant situation for him, but do not punish him.
  • Should the reward be praise or food?
  • Always use praise as a reward. Dogs are much more likely to do something for love than for good food.
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