Ophthalmology Clinics Subotica


1. Hema Lens - Ophthalmology Clinic

  • Branislava Nušića 6, 24000 Subotica
  • Centar 1
  • 024/524-413
  • All location in Subotica (2)

2. Sani Optik - Optical Store

3. Vicai Optika - Ophthalmology Clinic

  • Vladimira Nazora 8, 24000 Subotica
  • Centar 1
  • 024/521-100

4. Perfect Vision - Ophthalmology Clinic

  • Senćanski put 15, 24000 Subotica
  • Centar 3
  • 024/557-575

5. Pušin - Ophthalmology Clinic

6. Ghetaldus - Optical Store

Ophthalmology Clinics Subotica

Complete eye examination and diagnostics are available at ophthalmic clinics throughout the country, including checking eye pressure, determining diopters for soft and semi-rigid contact lenses or glasses, laser vision correction, corneal topography, retinal examination, treating disorders such as astigmatism and colour blindness, and if necessary, surgical interventions on the eye, such as cataract, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Below is a list of ophthalmic clinics in Belgrade and other cities in Serbia, with precise locations and contact information. Choose an ophthalmologist in your city, schedule an eye exam, and preserve your vision.

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