Dental Technician Labs Subotica


1. G-Dent - Dental Technician Lab

  • Tamiška 7, 24000 Subotica
  • Dudova šuma (Radijalac)
  • 024/694-040

Dental Technician Labs Subotica

Dental laboratories specialise in creating high-quality dental implants and restorations, restoring your confidence and smile. They offer metal and non-metal ceramic crowns and bridges, traditional or fixed braces, complete and partial dentures, flexible or skeletal dentures, temporary crowns and crowns on implants, teeth straightening trays, inlays and veneers, or combined dental works... All of these solutions are available in dental laboratories throughout the country, and it is up to you to choose and contact the nearest one to find the best solution for yourself or your patients.

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