Dental Surgery Clinics Subotica


1. Ortis - Dental Clinic

  • Šandora Petefija 16, 24000 Subotica
  • Centar 2
  • 024/552-631

2. Badawi - Dental Clinic

  • Jelene Čović 28, 24106 Subotica
  • Aleksandrovo
  • 024/567-456

3. Dr Rozmari Bukvić - Dental Clinic

  • Matije Gupca 40, 24000 Subotica
  • Centar 3
  • 024/525-735

4. Matijević - Dental Clinic

  • Majšanski put 134, 24110 Subotica
  • Železničko naselje
  • 024/576-343

5. Stoma Dent - Dental Clinic

  • Braće Radić 8, 24000 Subotica
  • Centar 1
  • 024/558-249

Dental Surgery Clinics Subotica

Oral surgery is a branch of dentistry that deals with various tooth operations in cases where standard treatment and tooth repair and filling are not sufficient. The most common interventions performed by oral surgeons are apicoectomy - which is another name for root tip resection, followed by wisdom teeth removal, which is the most common oral procedure and involves surgical removal of wisdom teeth, surgical tooth extraction as a solution when routine tooth extraction is not an option. The next most common oral surgical procedure is cystectomy - cyst removal surgery on the tooth, then sinus lift - when bone augmentation is necessary for implant placement, bone augmentation - artificial bone implantation, gingivectomy and gingivoplasty - an aesthetic procedure, as well as frenulum operation - a routine operation of oral cavity tissues. Oral surgery is also applied in the treatment of periodontics and solves problems with gums. However scary and painful it may seem to you, oral procedures on teeth and gums are completely painless and are performed with local anaesthesia, so it is advisable to visit a dentist as soon as possible if you have any problems with your teeth. The operations usually do not last long, and the recovery takes a few days, so you can quickly return to your normal life. Find one of our experts on our website who will perform the operation quickly, with quality and at affordable prices.

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