Bookstores Stari Grad


31. Nolit - Bookstore

  • Vase Čarapića 14, 11158 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • 011/2624-133

32. Nolit - Bookstore

  • Kralja Petra 74, 11158 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Kosančićev venac
  • 011/2624-825

33. Papirkos - Bookstore

  • Žorža Klemansoa 14, 11108 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Viline vode
  • 011/3390-890

34. Plavi Krug - Bookstore

  • Majke Jevrosime 2A, 11103 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • 011/3241-325

35. Portalibris - Bookstore

  • Skadarska 45, 11108 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Skadarlija
  • 011/324-3043

36. Bookstore Rasko

  • Kraljice Natalije 23A, 11000 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • 011/268-1888

37. Savremena - Bookstore

  • Kralja Petra 65, 11158 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Gornji Dorćol
  • 011/3283-698
  • All location in Stari Grad (2)

38. Službeni Glasnik - Bookstore

  • Cara Dušana 7, 11158 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Donji Dorćol
  • 011/3031-410
  • All location in Stari Grad (7)

39. Studentski Trg - Bookstore

  • Studentski trg 6, 11158 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Studentski trg
  • 011/218-5295

40. Tell Me - Bookstore

  • Vase Čarapića 10, 11158 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Trg republike
  • 011/328-6764

41. Vojna Knjiga - Bookstore

  • Vase Čarapića 22, 11158 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Studentski trg
  • 011/2184-925

42. Zadužbina - Bookstore

  • Kapetan Mišina 26, 11158 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Donji Dorćol
  • 011/3285-029

43. Ždral - Bookstore

  • Cara Dušana 92, 11108 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Skadarlija

44. Ždral - Bookstore

  • Kralja Petra 82, 11158 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Gornji Dorćol
  • 065/291-0778

45. Zepter Book World - Bookstore

  • Kneza Mihaila 42, 11000 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • 011/3287-952

46. Zlatno Runo - Bookstore

47. Znak Sagite - Bookstore

48. Zvezdica - Bookstore

49. Vulkan - Bookstore

  • Kneza Mihaila 38, 11000 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • All location in Stari Grad (4)

50. KTP Knjižara - Bookstore

51. KCB Beogradski Izlog - Bookstore

  • Kneza Mihaila 6, 11000 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Trg republike
  • 011/2631-721

52. Trafika - Kiosk

  • Francuska 35, 11158 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Gornji Dorćol
  • 063/1177-036

53. Zavod za Udžbenike - Bookstore

  • Obilićev venac 5, 11000 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • 011/2630-763
  • All location in Stari Grad (3)

Bookstores Stari Grad

In the digital age we live in, one might think that the era of books is coming to an end. However, the modern world is experiencing a hyper production of titles - from classics to contemporary literature, for both children and adults. Book fairs are still among the most visited global events. And although information availability, learning channels, digital editions of textbooks, professional literature, and fiction are just a click away, it seems that the printed book is not easy, and perhaps not even possible, to replace. What characterizes modern book purchasing is online shopping, but also large bookstore chains throughout the country that make every edition easily accessible. There are also lovely small-scale bookstores with a long tradition that have a special charm. Today, a bookstore is more than just a place to buy books - it is a place to relax and enjoy a pleasant atmosphere with friends over a favourite drink or quiet places that provide an excellent working atmosphere. Check out the list of bookstores, take a stroll, and enjoy the smell and selection of books - you will inevitably come out with a gift for yourself or someone dear to you.

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