Swimming Pool Builders Sremska Kamenica


1. LV Pools - Pools, Saunas and Equipment

  • Vojvode Putnika 26, 21208 Sremska Kamenica
  • 062/600-065

Swimming Pool Builders Sremska Kamenica

Owning a private pool or hot tub is no longer an unimaginable luxury as it once was. With the advancement of technology and hydrology, building a pool on your property or backyard is now a much more affordable investment than before. Here are companies and businesses that specialise in designing and building high-quality all types of hot tubs, garden fountains, and pools, whether they are reinforced concrete, lined, modular, or made of ISO blocks, and with a multi-year warranty. In addition to construction, they also offer all the necessary equipment for pools: filters for purification, chemical agents for maintaining bacteriologically clean water, pumps, hydro-massage nozzles, bulbs, heaters, overflow gratings, and more.

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