Pharmaceutical Industry Sombor


1. Panonija Pharm - Pharmaceutical Drugs Wholesale

  • Venac vojvode Stepe Stepanovića 22, 25101 Sombor
  • 025/416-610

Pharmaceutical Industry Sombor

The production of medicines and medical preparations in Serbia has been carried out for over half a century, and today there are dozens of domestic pharmaceutical companies operating in Serbia, as well as subsidiaries of large global brands in the pharmaceutical industry. With the development of pharmacy as a science and the possibilities for successful treatment or control of a large number of diseases, the production of industrial and herbal medicines, medicaments, and supplements has become an integral part of the economy of most countries in the world, including Serbia. The companies on the list before you are engaged in the production and distribution of tested medicines, medical preparations, and dietary products for everyday or occasional use.

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