Šaran - Fish Restaurant
- Kej oslobođenja 53, 11080 Beograd (Zemun)
- 011/261-8235
- 069/261-8235
- Managed by PlanPlus
Similar businesses nearby
Working Hours
- Monday closed
- Tuesday 12:00-01:00
- Wednesday 12:00-01:00
- Thursday 12:00-01:00
- Friday 12:00-01:00
- Saturday 12:00-01:00
- Sunday 12:00-01:00
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On-street parking:
Zona 4 (plava) (175 m)
Mirjana Skoco
Jedan od najboljih restorana u kojima smo ikada bili. Počevši od hrane, prezentacije, gostoprimstva, ugodaja…muzike…lokacije, atmosfere…svega. Bravo!
- 17-02-2023
Nikola Igračev
Legendarni zemunski restoran, toliko popularan da je bez rezervacije gotovo nemoguće naći mesto. Parking vikendom je čest problem na Keju. Restoran za svaku pohvalu, ali ocena 4 zbog gubitka spontanosti tokom vremena...
- 16-02-2022
Inaccurate data?
If you have noticed an error in the published data, please contact us.
Frequently asked questions
- Does Šaran - Fish Restaurant offer free Wi-Fi?
- Yes, Šaran - Fish Restaurant offers free Wi-Fi.
- Is Šaran - Fish Restaurant a trendy place?
- Yes, Šaran - Fish Restaurant is considered a „trendy“ place.
- Does Šaran - Fish Restaurant organize live music performances?
- Yes, Šaran - Fish Restaurant occasionally hosts live music performances.
- Does Šaran - Fish Restaurant take reservations?
- Yes, you can make a reservation.
- Does Šaran - Fish Restaurant have a vegetarian menu?
- Yes, Šaran - Fish Restaurant has a vegetarian menu.