- Slavka Miljkovića 116A, 11231 Beograd (Rakovica)
- Resnik
Public transport
Avalska (76 m)
- 47
- 47N
- 47Nb
- 47Na
- 47Nv
- 94
- 506
Edvarda Griga (ulaz) (87 m)
- 94
- 506
Podavalska (izlaz) (137 m)
- 503
- 504
Kamenac (243 m)
- 47
- 47N
- 47Na
- 47Nb
- 47Nv
Dr Aćima Medovića (255 m)
- 506
Zdravstvena stanica "Resnik" (261 m)
- 94
- 506
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