Anti-age Treatments Požarevac


1. Oriana - Anti-Aging Collagen Center

Anti-age Treatments Požarevac

When the first signs of ageing appear on the face, many women believe that it is not yet time for anti-ageing treatments. And when wrinkles become more visible, then the alarm sets in. What to do and how to most effectively get rid of unwanted signs of ageing? Enlarged pores, fine lines around the mouth and eyes, as well as skin damage caused by sun exposure remind us that it is the right time for anti-ageing treatments. Anti-ageing care does not mean that time will be turned back and wrinkles will be completely eliminated, nor that surgical procedures can be skipped. It implies good prevention and has numerous advantages, as it reduces dark circles around the eyes, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, and moisturizes the skin, making it softer. Ahead of you are aesthetic clinics where anti-ageing treatments are performed, along with many useful tips for skin care.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the most popular anti-aging treatments?
  • The most popular anti-aging treatments are: - Botox; - Lip rejuvenation; - Chemical facial peeling; - 3D mesonites; - Mesotherapy of the face and other parts of the body; - Hyaluronic fillers; - CoolSculpting treatment
  • What is mesotherapy?
  • Mesotherapy is considered an anti-aging treatment when active cocktails are injected into the middle layer of the skin and subcutaneous tissue using thin needles. The cocktails that are injected are made of a complex of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, natural extracts, hyaluronan, lipolytics, etc.
  • When is the right time for an anti-aging treatment?
  • There is no exact time when you should start anti-aging treatments, because everything is individual and depends on many factors, such as genetic predisposition, lifestyle and habits, etc. Experts advise that after the age of 25 you should pay attention to proper facial care. Already around the age of 30, women's interest in rejuvenation increases, because that's when the first signs of aging and fine wrinkles appear, the skin becomes dehydrated, and the tone weakens.
  • What is Botox and who is it for?
  • In order to correct wrinkles or stop their appearance, botox, i.e. a biological toxin, is most often used. It is a non-invasive, non-surgical intervention during which a certain dose of botox is injected into the facial muscle in order to stop its activity, because it causes the appearance of wrinkles. Botox is recommended for people who have wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes or between the eyebrows and which are expressed not only when moving the face, but also when resting
  • Is Botox safe?
  • Of course it is. Given that during injection Botox remains localized, its effect is lost over time, so it is necessary to renew the dose of Botox. Certain components of Botox are used in ophthalmology, physical medicine, as well as in anesthesiology.
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