Laundromats Paraćin


1. Perfekt - Laundry Service

  • Svetozara Markovića 25, 35250 Paraćin
  • 063/831-9014

Laundromats Paraćin

Laundry services offer a professional service of washing, drying, ironing, packaging, and even delivering clean laundry to your address. We often need to quickly have a shirt, pants, or clothes for an important event washed and ironed, and laundry services are the perfect solution for such problems. They can quickly and easily solve your problem, and you will receive dried and ironed clean laundry in the shortest possible time. Also, laundry services are often available if you have a problem with washing comforters, pillows, or blankets, which are often too large and cannot be washed in standard machines. Here is a list of laundry locations. Find the one nearest to you and inquire about services and prices. Also, self-service laundromats are available.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the prices for washing and drying clothes?
  • In laundries, clothes are washed and dried individually or by the kilogram of laundry. If you only have a shirt or some other piece of clothing to wash, it will cost 200 dinars, while you can wash and dry a blanket for a price ranging from 500 to 800 dinars, depending on the size. When washing laundry by the kilogram, prices range from 500 to 1000 or more, depending on whether you want the service of ironing, packaging, or sending the clean laundry.
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