OMV Vršac - Gas Station
- Vojvode Stepe Stepanovića 17, 26300 Vršac
- 013/801-785
- All locations on the map (65)
- Managed by PlanPlus
Working Hours
- Monday 00:00-24:00
- Tuesday 00:00-24:00
- Wednesday 00:00-24:00
- Thursday 00:00-24:00
- Friday 00:00-24:00
- Saturday 00:00-24:00
- Sunday 00:00-24:00
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Stefan Jovancic
Diretkor firme je najgora licnost ikada vidjena,zaposlio coveka bez sanitarne knjizice bez prijave, covek radi 10dana vidi da ne moze da radi i za to dobija mesec dana odkazni rok, to samo moze kod nas u srbiji, covek ne sme da jede, i ako jede treba to da radi iza kontejnera, ubij te se
- 10-02-2018
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