Winaries Novi Sad


1. Dulka Vinoteka - Winery & Wine Shop

  • Vojvode Bojovića 9, 21101 Novi Sad
  • Rotkvarija
  • 021/571-711

2. Kantina Vina - Winery & Wine Shop

3. SL Vinoteka - Winery & Wine Shop

  • Pozorišni trg 4, 21101 Novi Sad
  • Stari Grad (Novi Sad)
  • 063/415-260

4. Lager & Wine - Winery & Wine Shop

  • Svetozara Miletića 17, 21101 Novi Sad
  • Stari Grad (Novi Sad)
  • 021/6623-000

5. Naša Vina - Winery & Wine Shop

  • Dunavska 31, 21101 Novi Sad
  • Stari Grad (Novi Sad)
  • 021/6360-076

6. Vino i Tako to - Winery & Wine Shop

  • Maksima Gorkog 17A, 21101 Novi Sad
  • Stari Grad (Novi Sad)
  • 021/662-3090

7. Wine Therapy - Winery & Wine Shop

  • Beogradski kej 31, 21101 Novi Sad
  • Podbara
  • 021/420-204

Winaries Novi Sad

Are you thinking about a suitable gift for visiting someone or simply enjoying a good glass of wine in a quality company and a nice atmosphere? Wine shops, wineries, wine bars, and wine cellars are the perfect places if you want to taste or buy some of the highest-quality wines in Serbia. Here is a list of the best Serbian wineries, with exact locations and contact information, where you can taste and purchase the best wines from all wine regions of Serbia. Whether it is red, white, rose, or sparkling wines, sweet or bitter taste, experienced winemakers, oenologists, and sommeliers will complement the extraordinary wine experience with practical advice, suitable snacks, and some secrets from the production process.

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