Veterinarians Novi Sad
16. Pet-Vet Misty - Veterinary Clinic
- Trg majke Jevrosime 15, 21137 Novi Sad
- Stara Detelinara
- 063/704-5936
Veterinarians Novi Sad
Does your pet needs medical assistance, treatment, regular check-ups, or surgical intervention? In front of you are veterinary clinics and veterinary centres that provide all necessary medical treatments for animals with a professional approach of experienced veterinarians - diagnostics, laboratory analyses, ultrasound, dental check-ups, X-rays, and surgical interventions. The most common interventions include vaccination against parasites, microchipping of pets, sterilization or castration of dogs or cats, and more. For the locations of veterinary clinics with accurate addresses and contact information, see below.
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