Tyre Services Novi Sad
3. Vianor - Vulcanizer
- Temerinska 68, 21138 Novi Sad
- Podbara
- 021/641-2844
- All location in Novi Sad (2)
16. Tires Tim - Vulcanizer
- Temerinska 106, 21138 Novi Sad
- Radna zona Sever 3 (Luka Novi Sad)
- 021/6616-805
Tyre Services Novi Sad
The tire shops listed in front of you offer a wide range of services such as repairing and replacing damaged tires, as well as storing and selling new and used winter and summer tires with a warranty for all types of vehicles. They also offer valve replacement and repair, 3D technology wheel alignment, wheel balancing for all passenger and commercial vehicles and machine straightening, welding, painting, and sandblasting of steel and aluminium wheels. Additionally, they provide engine cleaning with hydrogen, also known as decarbonization. Check the quality of your tires and wheels before your journey, and find the nearest tire shop in your city.
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