Timber Industry Novi Sad
1. Angro Impex - Wood Processing and Palettes Production
- Vladike Ćirića 16, 21137 Novi Sad
- Savina (Novo naselje, Bistrica)
- 021/493-173
2. Confido Enterijeri - Wood Processing and Carpentry
- Mileve Marić 6, 21137 Novi Sad
- Šarengrad (Novo naselje, Bistrica)
- 021/512-297
3. Drvo Stil Ikonić - Wood Processing and Carpentry
- Gundulićeva 13, 21101 Novi Sad
- Podbara
- 021/820-219
6. Hobby System - Wood Processing and Carpentry
- Tone Hadžića 23, 21102 Novi Sad
- Adamovićevo naselje
- 021/474-0456
7. Home Style - Wood Processing and Carpentry
- Rumenački put 52, 21201 Novi Sad
- Industrijska zona Jug
- 021/677-6388
9. Monting - Wood Processing and Carpentry
- Janka Čmelika 1, 21137 Novi Sad
- Stara Detelinara
- 021/631-9978
12. Unispromet - Wood Processing and Carpentry
- Klisanski put 30, 21138 Novi Sad
- Slana Bara
- 021/641-4422
14. Garbo - Furniture Store & Design
- Rumenački put 52C, 21201 Novi Sad
- Industrijska zona Jug
- 021/677-6360
15. Nobili Divani - Furniture Store & Design
- Cara Dušana 26, 21102 Novi Sad
- Adamovićevo naselje
- 021/469-025
16. Vid Furniture - Furniture Store & Design
- Kralja Vukašina 37, 21138 Novi Sad
- Veliki rit
- 021/641-0032
17. Tahirović - Furniture Industry
- Balkanska 2, 21138 Novi Sad
- Radna zona Sever 3 (Luka Novi Sad)
- 011/747-8552
22. Mihajlović - Furniture Store
- Cara Dušana 82, 21102 Novi Sad
- Adamovićevo naselje
- 021/637-2140
- All location in Novi Sad (2)
Timber Industry Novi Sad
The wood processing industry is one of many in Serbia that has an excellent raw material base. The exploitation and processing of wood are one of the oldest industries, and nowadays it is considered one of the most important industries in general. Thousands of products come out of its facilities that are almost impossible to imagine our daily lives without. From ordinary paper and basic heating materials to flooring and furniture, to wooden houses for living - products of the wood processing industry are ubiquitous in all of our lives. Here is a list of industrial facilities and factories that deal with the processing of wood and its shaping into products for various purposes.
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