Religious Items Novi Sad


1. Beseda - Orthodox Bookstore

  • Zmaj Jovina 4, 21101 Novi Sad
  • Stari Grad (Novi Sad)
  • 021/521-240

Religious Items Novi Sad

Stores selling religious goods offer a wide range of items and religious articles used during various church ceremonies - such as religious feasts, weddings, baptisms, or funerals. Blessed icons of different sizes, painted, laminated, or carved, church calendars, wax or paraffin candles, religious feast candlesticks, incense holders and censers are an integral part of most Orthodox homes in Serbia. In addition, spiritual books and church souvenirs can be beautiful and appropriate gifts for friends, godparents, and family on special occasions. The large selection of church products is intended for both believers and clergy, as well as for churches.

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