Packaging Industry Novi Sad


1. Arsenov Packaging Industry

  • Vatroslava Jagića 24, 21102 Novi Sad
  • Južni Telep
  • 021/503-972

2. Ekoplast NS - Plastic Packaging Materials

  • Ruđera Boškovića 35, 21102 Novi Sad
  • Adamovićevo naselje
  • 021/637-2368

3. Euro Pak System - Packaging Industry

  • Božidara Kovačeka 16, 21201 Novi Sad
  • Sajlovo
  • 021/6452-495

4. Korać R - Adhesive Tapes Production

5. Miltrade - Packaging Industry

6. Packpack Packaging - Packaging Industry

  • Marka Miljanova 22, 21101 Novi Sad
  • Podbara
  • 021/552-892

7. Panex Co - Packaging Industry

8. Rapid P.E.T. - Packaging Industry

9. Soko Team - Packaging Industry

  • Ilije Garašanina 42, 21123 Novi Sad
  • Adice
  • 021/506-008

10. Termoplast - Plastic Packaging Materials

11. Terra Trade - Food Packaging Materials

12. Trier - Aluminum Packaging Materials

Packaging Industry Novi Sad

An extremely important aspect of putting products on the market is the packaging. In order for a product to be protected and safely transported to a retail store, it must be properly packaged, especially if it is a food product or any product susceptible to chemical and physical damage. Choosing the right materials (paper, cardboard, wood, plastic, metal, and others) and packaging production technology are crucial factors in the transport and storage of products, and their design often plays a key role in product sales. We present packaging industry companies that offer efficient and creative solutions for preparing products for transportation and their distribution to end consumers.

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