Outdoor Furniture Novi Sad


1. Forma Ideale - Furniture Store Novi Sad

  • Rumenačka 150, 21113 Novi Sad
  • Industrijska zona Jug
  • 021/6792-718

2. JYSK Maxton Novi Sad - Furniture Store

  • Bulevar cara Lazara 25b, 21102 Novi Sad
  • Liman III
  • 011/6555-945
  • All location in Novi Sad (3)

3. Matis - Furniture Store

  • Bulevar vojvode Stepe 40, 21137 Novi Sad
  • Jugovićevo
  • 021/652-7744

Outdoor Furniture Novi Sad

Relaxation and leisure outdoors are a true pleasure on sunny and summer days, especially if you own a beautiful and comfortable garden furniture set. Here are companies and stores that deal with the production and sale of garden furniture and equipment, sets and high-functionality and comfort sofas, for a perfect break on your terrace, veranda, garden, or backyard. Garden chairs and armchairs made of hardwood, wicker, aluminium, or plastic, garden tables, sun loungers, parasols, lanterns, with accompanying equipment, and many other details will embellish the exterior of your home and contribute to creating a perfect ambience for your enjoyment with family and friends.

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