LED Lighting Novi Sad


1. Fero-Medika - LED Lighting Store

2. HCL Light - Led Lighting Store

3. LED Shop Team 021 - LED Lighting Store

  • Bulevar patrijarha Pavla 8, 21102 Novi Sad
  • Severni Telep
  • 021/523-916

4. Promont Komerc - LED Lighting Store

  • Branislava Borote bb, 21000 Novi Sad
  • Savina (Novo naselje, Bistrica)
  • 021/662-4489

5. Telcom - LED Lighting Manufacturer

LED Lighting Novi Sad

It has long been known that LED bulbs are more practical and cost-effective than ordinary light bulbs. They last longer, consume less electricity, and are made of less harmful materials. In addition, they do not emit heat or UV radiation. And when it comes to aesthetics, LED lighting is also at an advantage. The various shapes, sizes, and mounting methods of these bulbs give you the freedom to perfectly integrate them into your space and make it not only brighter but also more beautiful. When we consider everything, there is no reason not to opt for LED lighting, whether it's for your apartment or business space. Here are companies that offer a wide range of LED lighting and can provide you with information on its installation.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the lifespan of LED lighting?
  • When comparing an ordinary light bulb containing incandescent filaments and LED lighting, the conclusion is that in the long run it is more profitable to use LED lighting in the home. A regular bulb lasts approximately 1,500 hours, while an LED bulb lasts between 15,000 and 30,000 hours. One LED bulb lasts as long as 10 or even 20 ordinary bulbs, and this also means that ordinary bulbs consume much more electricity. The average household can save up to several hundred euros annually if it uses LED lighting.
  • What is the lifespan of LED lighting?
  • As with all products, the length of life of LED lighting depends on the quality. The number of working hours affects the price, so often a slightly more expensive LED bulb can last much longer. Cheaper bulbs generally last around 15,000 hours, while significantly higher quality LED bulbs cost a little more and have a lifespan of up to 30,000 operating hours.
  • Can LED lights replace neon bulbs?
  • It may not seem like it, but LED lighting can replace neon light much more easily. Today, LED bulbs that look like neon tubes are available on the market, so it is not necessary to change the installation, but it is enough to replace the old bulb with an LED light.
  • What wattage of LED lighting should be chosen?
  • If you are buying LED lighting for the room you are staying in, then it is recommended to choose lighting with a strength of 100 lumens per square meter. This means that for a room of 18 square meters, lighting of 1800 lumens is necessary. In order for such a room to have enough light, it is necessary to choose three light bulbs of 650 lumens.
  • Are dimmable switches used with LED lighting?
  • LED lighting contains electronics with which dimmable switches are not intended to be used. If these switches are used, then the lifetime of the LED lighting will be shorter. However, there are special LED bulbs on the market that can be used with these switches. Their price is slightly higher, and since their working life will not be shortened due to the use of dimmable switches, in such situations it pays to get special LED lighting. There are several different dimmable LED bulbs. These are E14, E27 and GU10 dimmable LED bulbs.
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