Honey & Bee Products Novi Sad
1. Leka Med - Honey and Bee Products
- Stražilovska 17, 21101 Novi Sad
- Stari Grad (Novi Sad)
- 021/661-6464
2. Čuda Prirode - Honey and Bee Products
- Temerinska 158, 21138 Novi Sad
- Vidovdansko naselje
- 064/2202-714
3. Pčelarski kutak - Beekeeping Equipment, Honey and Bee Products
- Ilije Birčanina 57, 21137 Novi Sad
- Stara Detelinara
- 065/8063-895
4. Pčelinjak Vorgić - Honey and Bee Products
- Olge Petrov 24, 21102 Novi Sad
- Adamovićevo naselje
- 021/637-2277
5. Ružanović Medin Med - Healthy Food Store
- Jovana Subotića 9, 21101 Novi Sad
- Rotkvarija
- 021/661-5400
6. Biocentar & Svet Meda - Healthy Food Store
- Bulevar Evrope 17, 21102 Novi Sad
- Severni Telep
- 065/315-1287
Honey & Bee Products Novi Sad
Honey and bee products are food items of exceptional importance for the human body. The nutrients found in honey and its products, due to their beneficial effects on the body, should be a part of everyday human nutrition. In addition, many honey products have proven to be a very effective means of treating many diseases. Here is a list of specialised honey and bee product stores where you can buy or order natural organic honey and other honey products such as pollen, propolis, or royal jelly.
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