Glass Cutters Novi Sad
2. Izostaklo - Glass Cut Service
- Milovana Glišića 1, 21101 Novi Sad
- Podbara
- 021/552-290
- All location in Novi Sad (2)
6. Pazi Staklo - Glass Cut Service
- Dr Svetislava Kasapinovića 7A, 21137 Novi Sad
- Stara Detelinara
- 021/512-309
7. Okvir - Picture Framing Service
- Trg republike 18, 21101 Novi Sad
- Stari Grad (Novi Sad)
- 021/523-453
- All location in Novi Sad (5)
Glass Cutters Novi Sad
Are you planning to glaze your terrace and frame precious pictures, or maybe you need a new mirror for your hallway with non-standard dimensions? A skilled and experienced craftsman - a glazier offers a whole range of services with this delicate material - from cutting and processing, grinding and sandblasting glass, to making and framing all kinds of mirrors, tailored to your residential or business space. Tempered glass for the kitchen, standard or unusual design and shape mirrors, glazing shower cabins or terraces with impregnated glass - all of these services can be found in the directory of glazier shops that is in front of you.
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