Custom Uniforms Stores Novi Sad


1. Character 021 - Work Uniforms

  • Zmaj Jovina 22, 21101 Novi Sad
  • Stari Grad (Novi Sad)
  • 021/631-0885

2. Jugotex - Protective Workwear & Equipment

3. Profistil - Professional Uniforms

  • Železnička 20, 21101 Novi Sad
  • Stari Grad (Novi Sad)
  • 021/422-444
  • All location in Novi Sad (2)

Custom Uniforms Stores Novi Sad

Many professions today require wearing uniforms in the workplace. In addition to the public professions that we are familiar with (medicine, police, military, firefighters, hospitality...), employers and institutions from various industries practise uniforms as a dress code for their employees or promoters. Uniforms set them apart from others and contribute to creating recognition, identity, unity, and an overall impression. In line with all the other conditions that the employer offers, providing a uniform tailored to the employee proves to be an important issue because the employee spends every working day in it. In addition to the service of sewing uniforms from different materials and designs, many companies that specialise in this field also offer uniform branding services - for many companies, this is of crucial importance in creating a brand, visibility, and leaving a good impression. You can learn about the possibilities, offer details, prices, ease of ordering, speed of service, and delivery by reviewing our list of companies that provide uniform sewing services for various professions and needs, according to your wishes and measurements.

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