Cellulose & Paper Industry Novi Sad


1. Roll Plus - Paper Packaging, Diapers and Napkins

  • Bulevar Jovana Dučića 13, 21137 Novi Sad
  • Satelit
  • 021/400-458

2. TISE Group - Professional Equipment for Pulp and Paper Industry

  • Milana A. Jovanovića Babe 13, 21124 Novi Sad
  • Adice
  • 064/591-7418

Cellulose & Paper Industry Novi Sad

The cellulose and paper industry is engaged in the chemical processing of wood and the production of paper and cardboard, which have a wide range of applications, both in everyday life and in other industries. From all types of paper (toilet paper and tissues, printing paper, wallpaper, banknotes, and others), to thinner or thicker cardboard packaging for various purposes - the use of paper and cardboard is ubiquitous today. Here are companies that, in addition to producing cellulose and paper products, are also involved in the purchase, recycling, and processing of these raw materials, with precise locations and contact information provided.

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