Bookbinding Services Novi Sad


1. Ivković - Bookbinding Service

  • Dunavska 10, 21101 Novi Sad
  • Stari Grad (Novi Sad)
  • 021/521-461

2. Meta - Bookbinding Service

  • Izvidnička 6, 21124 Novi Sad
  • Južni Telep
  • 021/362-887

Bookbinding Services Novi Sad

Binding and connecting of graduation, diploma, master's and doctoral theses, restoration of old books and manuscripts, and making cases and boxes for diplomas, plaques, and charters are just some of the services provided by bookbinding shops in front of you. Soft and hard covers in cloth or leather, making covers according to your own design and printing on covers using screen printing or foil stamping are some of the most modern techniques applied by specialised and modern bookbinders. By creating specially designed folders, organizers, notebooks, or decorative boxes, bookbinding shops cater to your private or business needs with a professional approach.

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