Babysitter Services Novi Sad
2. Family Center Merlin - Babysitting Service
- Đorđa Magaraševića 23, 21102 Novi Sad
- Adamovićevo naselje
- 060/388-1359
3. Moj Svet - Extended Stay Kindergarten
- Bulevar Jovana Dučića 4, 21137 Novi Sad
- Novo naselje (Bistrica)
- 061/165-7000
Babysitter Services Novi Sad
Parenting nowadays faces a great challenge, due to the need for parents to return to their daily obligations after the birth of a child, as well as the accelerated way of life, work obligations and other life circumstances. The need for temporary childcare is becoming more and more common, and when grandparents cannot help, it is very important to find a trusted, reliable and responsible person who will occasionally and as needed take care of our children. Here is a list of babysitting agencies that provide childcare and care services, meal preparation and feeding, creative work with children, outdoor games, putting children to bed, and more. Babysitting agencies allow you to hire a babysitter for full-day childcare needs (from 2 hours up to a maximum of 12 hours), or for the evening and overnight childcare, picking up from daycare or school, weekend childcare, travelling with the family, helping mothers with household chores, etc.
Registration of new business on PlanPlus is always welcome.