Courier Services Novi Pazar

Bex Express - Courier Service

1. Bex Express - Courier Service

City Express - Regional Logistics Center

2. City Express - Regional Logistics Center

3. D Express Regional Center

  • Dimitrija Tucovića bb, 36300 Novi Pazar
  • 020/610-611

4. Post Express - Courier Service

  • AVNOJ-a bb, 36300 Novi Pazar
  • 0800/100-808
  • All location in Novi Pazar (4)

Courier Services Novi Pazar

The expansion of online shopping has made courier delivery one of the most sought-after services in recent years. With a few clicks and phone calls, you no longer have to visit stores or go on often exhausting shopping trips. Everything you need can be delivered to your home address. In order for the goods you have ordered to arrive safely and on time, it is necessary to entrust their transportation to someone reliable. Courier delivery is convenient primarily because everything you order is delivered to your doorstep. Additionally, you can arrange for the shipment to be delivered at a time that suits you. In front of you is a list of courier delivery services that will help you send and receive all types of shipments.

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