Electronic Industry & Automatics Niš


1. EI PCB Factory

  • Bulevar Svetog cara Konstantina 80-84, 18000 Niš (Medijana)
  • Delijski Vis
  • 018/415-0807

2. Eldi Korporacija - Electronics for Households and Industry

  • Ljubićka 20, 18105 Niš (Medijana)
  • Marger
  • 018/292-300

3. Eurogenyx - Electronics and Automation

  • Knjaževačka 105, 18103 Niš (Pantelej)
  • Durlan
  • 018/200-664

4. Galeb Group - Pos Equipment

  • Cara Dušana 90-92, 18106 Niš (Medijana)
  • Čair
  • 018/521-551

5. Interhit Electronic

  • Jovana Ristića 18, 18105 Niš (Medijana)
  • Centar Medijana
  • 018/451-4136

6. M&G Electronic - Electronics and Automation

  • Jovana Ristića 7, 18105 Niš (Medijana)
  • Centar Medijana
  • 018/452-0455

7. MGC Elektronik - Electronics and Automation

  • Koste Stamenkovića 9, 18105 Niš (Medijana)
  • Marger
  • 018/515-930

8. Mikro Kontrol - Industrial Automation

  • Jovana Ristića 11, 18105 Niš (Medijana)
  • Centar Medijana
  • 018/4511-884

9. SD Elektronik - Electronic Components

  • Aleksandra Nenadovića 6, 18105 Niš (Medijana)
  • Centar Medijana
  • 018/521-242

10. Tagor - Electronics and Automation

  • Bulevar Svetog cara Konstantina 80-86, 18000 Niš (Medijana)
  • Delijski Vis
  • 018/550-506

Electronic Industry & Automatics Niš

Electronics and automation are an integral part of modern electrical engineering. Automation and the use of electronic or so-called "smart" devices are already ubiquitous today, and there is no doubt that this is the direction in which the electrical industry will continue to develop in the future. Technologies that seek to simplify, speed up, and facilitate life are gaining ground in all spheres of private and business life and are an integral part of them. Electronic circuits, microchips, and sensors are now located in a wide range of devices, making this industry perhaps the most popular in the world. Before you is a list of companies that deal with the development and implementation of electronic and automatic solutions that greatly facilitate functioning in private and especially business life.

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