Auto Paints Niš


1. Pobeda Mit - Paints and Varnishes Store

  • Bulevar Svetog cara Konstantina bb, 18000 Niš (Medijana)
  • Brzi Brod
  • 018/4541-448

Auto Paints Niš

Various external factors, such as UV rays, acid rain, or salt, adversely affect the colour and shine of your car. If you want to improve the look of your car, or if the bodywork is damaged and you need car paint to fix it, you are in the right place. Here, you will find a list of stores that specialise in selling car paints and coatings, along with their addresses and contact information. In these stores, you will find everything you need to make your car look like new - metallic and acrylic paints, spray paints, car coatings, as well as all the accompanying materials - sandpapers, tapes, polishing pastes, and more. There are car paints from the most famous manufacturers in the world, such as MaxMayer, ColourMatic, Novol, Presto, PPG, and others.

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