Video & Sound Security Systems Podgorica
1. Master CCTV Center - Distributor of Security Equipment
- Vojvode Maša Đurovića 23, 81000 Podgorica
- 020/510-544
Video & Sound Security Systems Podgorica
If you want to monitor or ensure the safety of the events in your home, office, or any other location at any time and from any location, you are in the right place. There is a wide selection of the latest cameras and surveillance equipment for residential and commercial buildings, of excellent quality and affordable prices, with delivery and installation included throughout Serbia, which offer the reliability of renowned global manufacturers: HikVision, Samsung, Dahua, Alhua... The list of companies is presented to you to help you find exactly what you need to increase your security and protect your property.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the approximate cost of a home alarm system?
- The price of alarm systems depends on many factors. While the simplest ones can be purchased for only about £30, the cost of quality and professional alarm systems can go up to £400.
- Which alarms are better, wired or wireless?
- Both types of alarms have their pros and cons. Wired alarm systems are more suitable when you plan their installation in the house construction phase. Otherwise, the optimal solution will be a wireless alarm system, which needs occasional battery replacement.
- Does the alarm work in the event of a power outage?
- High-quality alarm systems have an auxiliary battery that takes over the power supply of the device in case of a power outage. In this way, the alarm system continues to work despite interruptions in power supply.
- What is better to install, an alarm system or CCTV?
- While video surveillance allows you to monitor activities inside and outside your home or business premises at any time, an alarm is still the most reliable means of protecting property from theft, fire, flood or any other accident.
- Can false alarms be avoided with alarm systems?
- The possibility of a false alarm can never be completely eliminated, but better systems reduce these situations to a minimum. With higher-quality alarm devices, motion detectors can recognize if it's a pet, thunder, or regular window opening.
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