Working Hours
- Monday 07:30-21:00
- Tuesday 07:30-21:00
- Wednesday 07:30-21:00
- Thursday 07:30-21:00
- Friday 07:30-21:00
- Saturday 07:30-21:00
- Sunday 08:00-15:00
Estra Sefedini
hello, i wanted to complain about customer service , one of the ladies who works at the cash register is very rude and impolite . she continually throws bags and credit cards everytime i pay,doesn’t have proper manners,always talks with an attitude , and i find that very bothering. i’m a loyal customer at Maxi , Bujanovac and i spend hundreds there every week i would suggest that you educate your workers so we together have a better experience . Thank you in advance, Estra Sefedini
- 20-03-2021
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