Knight's Tournament in Manasija | Tourist Calendar of Serbia

Knight's Tournament in Manasija is an international ethnographic event that could be characterized as a kind of time travel to the medieval period in Serbia.

It takes place at the end of August, beneath the walls of the Manasija Monastery, near Despotovac, under the name "Just Out," and gathers knight teams from around the world.

The central feature of this event is highly authentic performances of medieval knight battles, music and dance, as well as the cuisine of that time, along with films and lectures related to the period when knights rode through Serbia on horses.


The hosts of the event, which has been held since 2015, are members of the "White Eagles" association, who welcome teams from around twenty countries, including India, Sudan, Japan, Iran, as well as neighboring Balkan states. The festival attracts several hundred participants and tens of thousands of visitors each year.

The primary idea behind organizing the festival is the promotion of chivalric values as ideals of Christian living through service to God and the community, as well as the ideas of truth, beauty, love, honor, and justice. A knight is characterized by seven fundamental virtues: faith, hope, love, justice, prudence, fortitude, and temperance. During this unique event, visitors will have the opportunity to discover the purpose and meaning of each piece of knight equipment, and what the sword, lance, shield, or helmet symbolize.

This festival also preserves the memory of the most famous Serbian knight - Despot Stefan Lazarević, a member and leader of the renowned Order of the Dragon. The Order of the Dragon consisted of 24 most worthy European knights at the time. According to the founding charter, the honorary position of the first knight and the status of the first among equals belonged precisely to Despot Stefan Lazarević.

Manastir Manasija, zadužbina desporta Stefana Lazarevića
Manasija Monastery, endowment of Despot Stefan Lazarević (PHOTO: Nikola Igračev)

The son of Prince Lazar and Princess Milica built a monastery with the Church of the Holy Trinity, aiming to continue the tradition of endowments of his father and the entire Nemanjić dynasty, and to construct his own burial church-mausoleum.

Resava Monastery, now better known as Manasija, is six centuries old and is still bravely guarded by walls with as many as eleven towers. It is precisely this authentic medieval ambiance that makes the Knight Festival so special and popular.

The three-day festival takes place on the last weekend of August and mainly attracts history and tradition enthusiasts, as well as curious visitors. The program is tailored for adults and children, offering something for everyone. For the youngest, there are organized interactions with knights and various workshops where they can learn about the lives of medieval heroes.

During those days, the sounds of clashing swords echo through the improvised medieval village, while the air is filled with the aroma of game and wine. The central events are knight battles, where the strengths and skills of sword fighting, archery, jousting, and horseback lance throwing are put to the test.

Craftsmen who exhibit their wooden and metal handcrafted items are also an integral part of the event.

This year's edition of the "Just Out" festival will take place from August 26th to 28th. More information about registrations and participation can be obtained on the official website of the event.