Ironed Sausage Fair in Pirot | Tourist Calendar of Serbia

Ironed Sausage Fair takes place in Pirot and is one of the largest tourist and gastronomic events in the country, visited every year by more than 10 000 visitors from Serbia and neighboring Bulgaria.

The goal of this manifestation is the promotion of the traditional local delicacy and the protection of its geographical origin, and over time it has become one of the significant events in tourist offer of the town of Pirot.

The first Iron Sausage Fair was held in 2013 in the "Kej" sports hall in Pirot, and since then the last weekend in January is usually reserved for this event. Before that, two World Championships in making iron sausage were held, after which it was concluded that this event has the potential to become a tradition and actually the best promotion of a local brand.

The iron sausage originated on the slopes of Stara Planina during the Ottoman rule, and was adapted the diet of the inhabitants of the Muslim faith and was made from sheep, beef and goat meat.

Even today, animal husbandry is the most represented branch of agriculture in the surroundings of Pirot. In the warmer part of the year, cattle are driven out to graze at higher altitudes of Stara planina, which is considered extremely important for the quality of local meat products.

The production of iron sausage, say the people of Pirot, requires a lot of patience and mastery, which is passed down from generation to generation. It is prepared once a year, and the whole process begins in winter. It is characteristic that meat from older necks is used for sausages, but also that all fat and excess are removed from it, after which only the best quality meat remains. In the process of squeezing out water and fat, the Pyrote sausage is ironed, which gives it the characteristic shape of a slightly flattened horseshoe. It also stands out because, unlike most other sausages, there is no smoking process here. An indispensable spice is the hot pepper, also an authentic local product.

At the three-day event, which takes place from Friday to Sunday, the main event is the presentation of around 40 producers of iron sausage, as well as a competition to make the best among them. Apart from the ironed "kobaja", other local products find their place at the Fair, among which Pirot cheese stands out.

Pirot iron sausage (PHOTO: Tourist organization Pirot, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Also, there are other products such as local wines and brandy, so every visitor can find something to taste. In addition to food and drinks, the Fair also completes the music and entertainment program, which can turn into real fun. Every year, actors and other public figures address the visitors, and they themselves enjoy the local delicacies.

It is interesting that the prices of sausages at all stands are the same, which indicates a high level of correctness among producers, with the common goal of preserving and promoting the brand of their region. However, they all keep the secret recipe of their ancestors, so even the winners of the competition for the best ironed sausage do not declare about the preparation method.

The Pirot Sausage Fair is organized by the Association of Pirot Sausage Producers and the Pirot Tourist Organization.

This year's edition of the Fair will be held on January 28 and 29, and more details can be found on host's website.