Book Publishers Leskovac


1. Jugpress - Publishing Company

Book Publishers Leskovac

Although when buying or renting a book, our attention is often focused on where we are getting the book from, the title, the topic, or the author, rather than on who the publisher of the book is, knowing publishing houses can be important for choosing a book, whether you are buying it for yourself or as a gift. You would be surprised to know that there are over 100 publishing houses in Serbia. There are those that are specialised for a certain type of publishing - for certain themes, areas they deal with, authors they collaborate with, or according to the target group they primarily address. Therefore, knowing this information can help you choose the right material from a relevant source that follows world trends. In addition, often approaching the publisher directly is an opportunity to get the best recommendation and the most favourable prices for the edition you intend to buy, whether it is a newer or older print date. Publishing is a business usually engaged in by lovers of literature and the written word, and you have the opportunity to get to know some of them better in our offer below.

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