Kod Čiče Mali Tabor Meat Roastery

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  • Kičevska 21, 11111 Beograd (Vračar)
  • Crveni krst
  • Pijaca Kalenić (191 m)
  • Vukov spomenik (369 m)
  • Čuburski park (508 m)
  • On-street parking:
    Zona 2 (žuta) (15 m)
    Zona 3 (zelena)
  • Parking garaža Vukov spomenik
    Ruzveltova 1 (458 m)
Public transport
  • GO Vračar (219 m)
    • 24
    • 25
    • 25P
    • 26
    • 26N
  • Pijaca Kalenić (317 m)
    • 25
    • 25P
    • 26
    • 26N
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Najbolje pecenje bilo nekad.... Posecujemo radnju godinama, decenijama... Najnovije iskustvo: trazili smo 1,200 od plecke, na sta su nam rekli da ne moze tako malo, mora oko 1,5kg, sto smo prihvatili. Prvo pokusali da prodaju jos pola kile vise dakle- 1,900 grama, a nakon ne prihvatanja, uz neljubaznost i negodovanje prihvatili da prodaju 1,5 kg. Kad dodjosmo kuci, otvorimo kutiju, 80% parcica sa velikom koskom. (Pitanje- da li jedno prase ima toliko velikih kostiju u oblasti plecke? ) Sutradan, kad je trebalo da pojedemo sto je ostalo, kad ono - potamnelo, izmenjeno- pocinjemo da sumnjamo kad je uopste ispeceno, i da li je stajalo. Pitanje: Da li biste vi ponovo kupili prasece pecenje u ovoj radnji? Have been visiting this store for decades, with my relatives, friends and neighbours, but... unfortunately have to share my newest experience> this month when i asked for 1,2-1,5 kg ( 2.5-3.3 pounds ) of roasted pork butt for holiday, first they tried to sell me around 1/2 kg (1.1 pounds ) more than i asked for, and after not accepting their offer, tried to convince me again in a rude and nervous manner, after me refusing this, they removed around 1/2 kg(- 1,1 pounds), and packed the chopped pieces in a box. After coming home, saw the following: they packed me 80% of boneparts , and some of them had huge bones *not from the butt, shoulder nor ribs* (what did they sell to me?) Tomorrow the roasted pork parts changed their colour to dark grey and weren't for eating anymore... Would you buy roasted pork at their store again?

  • 24-01-2022
Gordana Popovic
Gordana Popovic

Najbolje pecenje u gradu

  • 27-04-2021
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